New Season Intro
Welcome to a brand new season of the Reboots Podcast!
This summer is all about arriving at reasonable happiness - even in the midst of great hardship and the chaos that surrounds so many of us now.
How is that possible?
Through the now-common prayer in which we ask for help in accepting the things we cannot change, and having the courage to change what we can.
There's a constellation of topics surrounding change navigation, like mental health, behavioral science, the 12 steps of recovery, and gratitude.
We're kicking off the 2020 season of episodes with Dr. Benjamin Hardy - an organizational psychologist and writer. He shares insights into the hope of changing ourselves and debunks popular personality studies that he believes tend to keep us stuck where we are instead of believing we can change who we are.
Can't wait to share this episode and much more with you.
Here's the link to 15 Things I've Learned About Navigating Change.
Check out our 30-days of gratitude - COVID-19 edition.
Howdy, friend! It's been a minute, yes?
Tracy Winchell here and it's good to be back with a new season of the Reboots Podcast.
This summer is all about arriving at reasonable happiness - even in the midst of great hardship and the chaos that surrounds so many of us now.
If you're familiar with Reinhold Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer - the entire thing, not just the first three lines - then you recognize the terms "reasonable happiness" and "hardship as a pathway to peace.
Niebuhr's prayer suggests that understanding and applying the lanes of change - accepting what we cannot change, changing the things we can, and giving God that which is His - we're on the road to serenity.
Early this year wrote a piece called [[15 Things I've Learned About Navigating Change]] - based on my experiences with doing my best to live life according to the Serenity Prayer and Jesus' teachings in [[The Sermon on the Mount]].
I'll drop a link to the article in the show notes.
So that's the basis of this season of Reboots.
There's a constellation of topics surrounding change navigation, like mental health, behavioral science, the 12 steps of recovery, and gratitude.
We're kicking off the 2020 season of episodes with Dr. Benjamin Hardy - an organizational psychologist and writer. He shares insights into the hope of changing ourselves and debunks popular personality studies that he believes tend to keep us stuck where we are instead of believing we can change who we are.
Can't wait to share this episode and much more with you.
By the way, I'm hosting a series of Facebook Live events called Change Matters - most Fridays at noon Central. And I'm hitting "live" more often on Facebook to share some thoughts about change. I'll pop a link to my Facebook page in the show notes, too.
That's it for now.
As always, if you've got questions, ideas, victories, or struggles, I'm glad to hear from you. Tracy@rebootspodcast.com.