Stories about people who have been forced to start over in life or in business, either through their own missteps or through no fault of their own. Stories with heart, soul, grit.
97 episodes
Living with Trauma from a Therapist's Perspective
This episode of the Reboots Podcast is about trauma - "Big T Trauma" and "Little T trauma." Even "Little T" trauma can be devastating.My dear friend Ada Floyd and I talk about:How she's continually learning to pro...
Season 3
Episode 58

R057 Personality Isn't Permanent with Benjamin Hardy
Dr. Benjamin Hardy is a best-selling author who has been read by - get this - more than 100 million humans.His work is featured regularly in Forbes, Fortune Magazine, Psychology Today and other well-known publi...
Season 3
Episode 57

New Season Intro
Welcome to a brand new season of the Reboots Podcast!This summer is all about arriving at reasonable happiness - even in the midst of great hardship and the chaos that surrounds so many of us now.How is that possible?Thr...
Season 3
Episode 1

TCJ 025: Gratitude with Caesar Kalinowski
Episode 25 of The Change Journals features my friend Caesar Kalinowski. In our continuation of our 30-days of gratitude challenge, Caesar talks about how gratitude not only chan...
Season 2
Episode 25

TCJ 024: Gratitude with Steve Austin
Steve Austin is a former pastor who nearly died by suicide.In this episode - which ties in with our FREE 30-Day Gratitude Challenge - Steve walks us through the first hours and days following his failed suicide attempt and how a therapi...
Season 2
Episode 24

TCJ 023: Mike Vardy's Journal
Mike Vardy is a long-time podcaster, productivity practitioner, and writer.Mike’s new book TimeCrafting: A Better Way to Get the Right Things Done is available for preorder on Amazon.
Season 2
Episode 23

R056: Black and White with Reverend Vince Brown
The Reverend Vincent Brown spends his days corralling teens and staff members offering adventure therapy at a therapeutic boarding school in Mars Hill, North Carolina.As the chaplain and program director, Vince sees kids on their worst ...
Season 1
Episode 56

TCJ 022: Tom Lambotte's Clarity Journal
Tom Lambotte is an adoptive father of four who runs a highly-successful niche company.Tom also talks openly about his experience with depression.For Tom, journaling techniques help him work on the right things each day and to tu...
Season 2
Episode 22

R055: Pursuing Focus with Shawn Blanc
Shawn is a husband and father. He’s known across the interwebs for The Sweet Setup - a website centered on reviewing tech devices and software.Shawn is a self-described nerd, but there’s so much more to Shawn than tech.
Season 1
Episode 55

TCJ 021: Elaine Johnston's Journal
Elaine Johnston is an entrepreneur who is driven to teach other women her age how to develop business mindsets.Elaine keeps several notebooks - each is dedicated to some facet of her life, including her marriage to Cody Johnston.
Season 2
Episode 21

TCJ 020: Cody Johnston's Journal
For Cody Johnston, journaling helps him understand his emotions.Cody is analog agnostic. While he regularly writes in his notebook, he's also a fan of digital logs - especially Day One.A prolific reader, Cody's notes help him pr...
Season 2
Episode 20

R054: Monk Manual with Steven Lawson
Steve Lawson is a doer. When he realized he needed to learn to do less and to be more, he began to study and implement the quiet, intentional lives monks lead every day.That’s when life changed for Steve. He became a better husband and ...
Season 1
Episode 54

TCJ 019: National Suicide Prevention Week with Steve Austin
My friend Steve Austin is a former pastor who nearly died by suicide seven years ago.While Steve is not a mental health expert, he's a guy who's been there, cares about your emotional wellbeing, and is grateful for a second chance.<...
Season 2
Episode 19

TCJ 018: Finding Hope and Recovery
September is National Recovery Month.In this episode of The Change Journals we take a look at Celebrate Recovery initiatives dedicated to saving one life at a time.Plus, we review two of our favorite recovery-centric Reboots epi...
Season 2
Episode 18

R053: False Accusations with Markus Watson
Markus is a former actor who decided to leave Hollywood and join the clergy. When he was falsely accused, his world fell apart. Markus says the ordeal has brought him closer to his Creator.In this episode we talk about:<...
Season 1
Episode 53

TCJ 17: Changing How We Respond to Sexual Abuse
Mary DeMuth has written more than 30 books. She hosts Pray Everyday a daily podcast dedicated to praying through the scriptures. You guessed it. Every day.Mary is also a victim of childhood sexual abuse.You can hear Mary...
Season 2
Episode 17

TCJ 016: Turtle Steppin'
Episode 16 of The Change Journals inside the Reboots Podcast features a fast-moving turtle blind in one eye.Instead of worrying about how far the turtle had to go or focusing on its limitations and the potential dangers, this turtle was...
Season 2
Episode 16

R052: Come to the Table with Sean McCoy
Sean is a believer in Christ who works out his faith with fear and trembling. When Sean decided to accompany a friend on a mission trip, life as he knew it started to make less sense, while the teachings of Jesus began to radically tran...
Season 1
Episode 52

TCJ 015: Rebooting Print Journalism
Rex Nelson is one of the finest journalists I've ever known.He's an even better human being.In this episode of The Change Journals, Rex and I discuss:Knowing the difference between real journalism and "fake news"
Season 2
Episode 15

TCJ 014 Frankie Post's Journal
My friend Frankie Post and I talk fairly often about our journaling practices.Frankie is a Celebrate Recovery pastor at Community Bible Church - Fort Smith.Frankie has been logging and processing his thoughts since he was a teen...
Season 2
Episode 14

TCJ 013: Jordan Gross' Journal
In his short 24 (almost 25 years of life) Jordan Gross has authored two books, he's a TEDx speaker, and is a life and fitness coach.To understand Jordan's ridiculously simple journaling habits is to understand how Jordan has accomplished...

R051: Beautiful Between with Sarah Robinson
Sarah Robinson is a writer who is open about her struggles with self harm, suicidal ideation, and depression.When Sarah Robinson decided to share her thoughts about suicide in public, people started asking questions - to understand rath...
Season 1
Episode 51

R050: Systems Theology with Bill Stuckey
Bill Stuckey is a systems guy who has built and sold technology-related businesses.When Bill discovered a systems framework during his theological studies, his approach to faith, family, and building his latest small business radically ...
Season 1
Episode 50