
RR01: Infertility with Pradeepa Narayanaswamy

December 28, 2018 Tracy Winchell / Pradeepa Narayanaswamy

Reboots Rough Cuts
This special series is inspired by a conversation with Mikhail and a group of fellow podcasters, during which I expressed frustration about a backlog of beautiful stories growing proverbial dust on my hard drive.

Mikhail offered to help me clear the backlog and  to crank out as many of those episodes as possible by the close of 2018.

This is one of the interviews that will most certainly bring hope to many listeners - maybe even you.

RRC01: Infertility with Pradeepa Naraynaswamy

Reboots Rough Cuts Episode 1 features Pradeepa Narayanaswamy - a credentialed life coach who specializes in coaching individuals and couples through infertility issues.

Make no mistake, *anyone* can benefit from hearing Pradeepa’s story but if you love someone dealing with infertility or if you **are** someone struggling to grow your family, please listen with an open heart.

Learn more at

Special Thanks to Mikhail Kosenkov
Mikhail has beautifully edited, mastered, and engineered this episode. 

If you're a podcaster and you don't have a sound genius, trust me. You need one. Even if it's to help you sort out your compression and EQ settings. 

He'll be glad to talk to you about your sound questions.